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Notice of the Office of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage on the use of cultural and tourism resources and cultural relics resources to enhance the spiritual literacy of young people

Release time:2023-06-22 12:10:02 Source:
Department of Culture and Tourism (Bureau), Department of Education (Bureau), Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau (Bureau of Cultural Heritage), and Bureau of Education of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government:
In order to further integrate cultural and tourism resources and cultural relics resources, make use of students' after-school service hours, holidays, winter and summer holidays to carry out education on advanced socialist culture, revolutionary culture and fine traditional Chinese culture for young people, cultivate the quality of young people's will to work hard, strive for progress, and fight hard, enrich their cultural life, and enhance their spiritual quality, The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
First, the innovative use of position service resources
(1) Building youth education practice bases. Actively make use of public cultural facilities, theaters, red tourist attractions, etc., to build youth education practice bases, and give priority to ensuring the needs of teenagers' off-campus practice. Public libraries have optimized the collection of children's literature, opened special shelves for "four histories" education and traditional culture in children's reading rooms, and organized and carried out reading promotion activities for minors. Cultural centers (stations), art galleries, intangible cultural heritage centers and theaters plan and organize exhibitions and public performances of traditional culture such as calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, opera, folk music and intangible cultural heritage for young people. Museums, memorials, open cultural relics protection units, archaeological site parks, red tourist attractions and other design and research travel quality lines, comprehensive use of special lectures, cultural performances, interpretation Tours, participation in voluntary services and other ways to promote young people in the understanding of advanced socialist culture, revolutionary culture and excellent traditional Chinese culture to enhance cultural confidence.
(2) Effectively serving social practice activities in primary and secondary schools. Encourage public libraries, cultural centers (stations), art galleries, museums, memorial halls and other public cultural institutions to provide venues, equipment, teachers and other facilities for young people to participate in cultural activities nearby. Qualified public cultural institutions shall set up exclusive activity Spaces and fixed service hours for minors, and organize non-profit cultural and art training services and social practice activities suitable for primary and secondary school students. On the basis of ensuring the free provision of basic public cultural services, public cultural institutions may appropriately introduce qualified art colleges, art societies, voluntary service organizations, etc., to participate, and the service content, time and fees shall comply with the relevant regulations of the State.
3. Enriching the supply of spiritual and cultural products. Strengthen the guidance of artistic creation topics, and introduce a number of fine art products that can enhance the spiritual quality of young people. We will carry out extensive youth art exchange and exhibition activities, organize the China Youth and Children's Choir Festival, and promote the singing of patriotic songs. For young people, public welfare performances and exhibitions will be held on the themes of patriotism, revolutionary tradition, core socialist values, fine traditional Chinese culture, ecological civilization, national security, and law popularization education. Cultural and cultural institutions, art colleges, tourism colleges and other institutions are encouraged to develop and design cultural and creative products for young people that combine education with fun, and launch high-quality courses that combine online and offline.
Second, promote quality services into the campus
(4) Carry out a series of cultural services into the campus. Public cultural institutions at all levels and art troupes of all kinds should strengthen cooperation with educational administrative departments, continue to do brand activities such as "Opera into campus", "intangible cultural heritage into campus", "Museum into campus" and "elegant art into campus", and actively serve the education and teaching work of schools and the cultivation of cultural literacy. In combination with the curriculum materials and local characteristics of primary and secondary schools, a group of opera pieces, intangible cultural heritage projects and art training projects suitable for campus and teaching materials are selected and recommended. We regularly organize volunteers to conduct art counseling in rural schools, and promote high-quality resources to be channeled to ethnic minority areas in border areas and rural areas.
(5) Support after-school services. The local administrative departments of culture and tourism, together with the administrative departments of education, will select and recommend a group of outstanding cultural workers with excellent ideological quality and love for education, and in accordance with the principle of "two-way selection", compulsory education schools will independently select and hire cultural counselors according to their needs. Cultural counselors should actively participate in after-school services, give full play to their professional advantages, set up cultural and art activities, guide students' cultural and art clubs and interest groups, and effectively improve the quality of after-school services. Some subsidies can be given to cultural counselors who come to school to participate in after-school services, and the subsidy funds are included in the after-school service fund guarantee mechanism. Where conditions permit, the local administrative departments of education, together with the administrative departments of culture and tourism, organize the selection of after-school art training institutions, form a list of service projects and training institutions, determine the after-school service fee standards through competitive means such as bidding in accordance with the principle of public welfare, and establish a regular adjustment mechanism. The charge standard of after-school service should be significantly lower than the charge standard of training institutions providing homogeneous training services outside the school, and the school should choose the service items and training institutions in the list according to the actual needs.
(6) Promote red tourism resources into the campus. According to the characteristics of teenagers, red tourism resources suitable for entering the campus should be selected to promote the organic integration of red education and school curriculum. Organize red tourism "Five good" docents, red tourism gold docents into the campus to carry out the party history story propaganda, continue to hold the national Red Story docents competition, national college students Red tourism creative planning Competition and other characteristic brand activities, innovation primary and secondary school students social practice carrier. Organized the exhibition and broadcast of outstanding red tourism performing arts works, and jointly launched the red tourism short film "Follow the Book to Travel" with the China Media Group.
Third, promote the mechanism of cultural and educational cooperation
(7) Building a platform for cultural and educational cooperation. Local education administrative departments are encouraged to regularly organize students to visit and study in public cultural institutions, theaters, and red tourist attractions by signing agreements on co-construction of culture and education, holding interactive activities, and establishing off-campus practice bases with public cultural institutions, theaters, and red tourist attractions. Establish a tracking feedback mechanism such as the evaluation of the effect of youth activities and the evaluation of service satisfaction, and promote the production and supply of cultural and tourism resources and cultural relics resources to match the educational needs of schools. Jointly carry out teacher training, strengthen professional exchanges and cooperation, and establish a long-term mechanism for the coordination of cultural and tourism systems, cultural relics systems and education systems to improve young people's spiritual literacy.
(8) Excellent typical demonstration guidance. Cultural and tourism administrative departments at all levels have strengthened interaction with educational administrative departments and cultural relics administrative departments, and organized and carried out activities to promote "excellent cases of youth spiritual literacy Cultivation". We encourage local education administration departments, public cultural institutions, art trouble-making centers, art colleges and universities, and red tourist attractions to actively explore and be innovative in jointly carrying out activities for primary and secondary school students inside and outside school, integrating and utilizing social resources, and improving the spiritual quality of young people.
Fourth, strengthen organizational guarantees
9. Strengthen organizational leadership. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage are responsible for the overall management, supervision and guidance of the use of cultural and tourism resources and cultural relics resources to improve the spiritual quality of young people, and publicize typical experiences and practices. Local cultural and tourism administrative departments at all levels, educational administrative departments, cultural relics administrative departments should be included in the grade assessment, performance appraisal and other evaluation systems. It is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of funds, personnel, materials and other aspects, and support the development and design of courses, the organization and implementation of activities for young people, personnel training, and the upgrading of space and facilities and equipment.
10. Adhere to the right direction. Adhere to the principles of "who is in charge, who is responsible" and "who hosts, who is responsible" and territorial management, strictly check the content and form of cultural activities, training and guidance for young people, adhere to the correct orientation, and ensure that the activities are educational and public welfare.
11. Strengthening safety management. Strengthen the organization, management and safety guarantee of all kinds of activities in which young people participate, and study and formulate safety plans. According to the characteristics of young people, staff safety training should be carried out, and the safety inspection of facilities and equipment in the venues should be strengthened to ensure the safe and orderly development of activities. It is necessary to carry out safety education before activities for teachers and students, regularly organize emergency evacuation drills, and improve safety awareness and emergency risk-aversion ability of teenagers. Strictly abide by the dynamic control mechanism of epidemic prevention and control, and do a good job of epidemic prevention and control when entering venues, scenic spots and schools.
The provincial administrative departments of culture and tourism, together with the provincial administrative departments of education and cultural relics, are requested to study and formulate their own regional implementation work plans according to the requirements of the circular, and submit them to the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism before February 28, 2022.
Contact person and telephone number: Department of Public Service, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Li Lin, 010-59881726; Department of Basic Education, Ministry of Education, Ma Xiufeng, 010-66096959.
Fax: 010-59881776
E-mail: ggsqyc@mct.gov.cn
We hereby inform you.
Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Office of the Ministry of Education Office of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage Office
February 18, 2022
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