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Opinions on using museum resources to carry out education and teaching in primary and secondary schools

Release time:2023-06-22 12:08:26 Source:
Provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) Education Department (Education Commission), Cultural Heritage Bureau (Culture and Tourism Department/Bureau), Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Education Bureau, Cultural Heritage Bureau:
In recent years, the Party and the state have attached great importance to the function of museums in youth education, and introduced a series of policies and measures to promote primary and secondary school students to use museum resources to carry out learning, promote the organic integration of museums with school teaching and comprehensive practice, and have achieved remarkable results, playing an important role in improving the ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality of young people. In order to further improve the cooperation mechanism between museums and schools, promote the integration of museum resources into the education system, and improve the learning effect of primary and secondary school students using museum memorials, the following suggestions are put forward:
I. Promoting the development and application of museum educational resources
(1) Enriching museum education content. Local museums should adhere to the principle of "attaching equal importance to exhibition and education", plan special exhibitions and educational activities suitable for primary and secondary school students, mobilize curators and cultural protection personnel, experts and scholars, and social forces to participate in the development of museum educational resources, and regularly organize curators to explain and experts to guide. Local cultural relics departments should guide museums to design mobile exhibitions and education projects suitable for entering the campus and going down to the grassroots, make use of youth homes and rural children's palaces, regularly organize and carry out museum display and education activities with wide participation and strong practicality, and facilitate primary and secondary school students in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas with relatively weak museum resources to effectively use museums for learning.
(2) Develop a series of museum activity courses. Local cultural relics departments and museums should, in conjunction with education departments and schools, combine the cognitive law of primary and secondary school students and the needs of school education and teaching, fully tap museum resources, research and develop a series of activity courses in nature, history, science and technology, to enrich students' knowledge and expand their horizons. The teaching and comprehensive practice of Chinese, history, geography, ideology and politics, fine arts, science, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects in primary and secondary schools should be organically integrated into the content of museum education. A series of museum activity courses should cover primary school, middle school and high school students, and clarify the teaching objectives, experience content, learning methods and evaluation methods of different types of courses.
(3) Strengthening the construction of museum online education resources. The Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage will promote the construction of high-quality educational resources for young people in museums, increase promotion and application efforts, jointly publish a national map of museum educational resources for primary and secondary schools, and effectively connect the needs of primary and secondary schools in using museum resources to carry out education and teaching. Local departments of education and cultural relics should strengthen cooperation, use modern information technology to establish a regional online museum resource platform and museum youth education resource database, promote the connection with primary and secondary school online education resources, and expand the coverage of museum education resources.
Second, expand the ways of museum education
(4) Innovating museum learning methods. Museum education activities should focus on promoting students' learning. Guided Tours, special lectures, interactive games, role playing, hands-on practice and other methods should be comprehensively used according to the museum environment, collections and exhibitions to enhance the interest, interaction and experience of museum learning. It is necessary to make museum manuals, guide maps, auxiliary reading materials, pocket books, animation, etc., guide students to use museum resources to creatively carry out activities and assist learning, constantly explore and complete museum learning modes, and enhance museum learning effects.
(5) Improving the quality of museum research activities. Local education departments and schools should make full use of various museum resources to organize and carry out research and practical education activities on topics such as patriotism, revolutionary tradition, excellent traditional Chinese culture, ecological civilization, and national security. Local education departments, together with cultural relics departments, should strengthen the overall management and supervision of museum research activities, develop a number of ethical and intelligent, distinctive museum research quality lines and courses, build a network of museum research resources, and give play to the role of practice in educating people. Museum research activities should pay attention to age-specific design, and the primary school stage should reflect the interest and story, so that students can understand the basic content and relevant background; Junior high school stage should reflect the practice and experience, so that students understand the basic point of view; The high school stage should embody exploration and research, and guide students to put forward viewpoints and think deeply.
(6) Include after-school service content. Local education departments and primary and secondary schools should incorporate museum youth education into after-school services, encourage primary schools to hold a series of museum courses after 3:30 PM, and use museum resources to carry out thematic educational activities. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of holidays, winter and summer holidays, rest days and other periods to organize and guide students to enter the museum to carry out learning. Local cultural relics departments and museums should strengthen the design, development, organization and implementation of in-museum education projects and "museum into campus" projects, and effectively connect the needs of classroom teaching and after-school services in schools.
Third, establish long-term cooperation mechanism
7. Promoting cooperation between universities and museums. Schools should strengthen ties with local museums, organize students to visit and study in museums on a regular basis by signing co-construction agreements between museums and schools, holding interactive activities between museums and schools, and establishing second classes. Museums should communicate well with schools, timely understand the educational needs of schools and students, establish tracking feedback mechanisms such as student activity experience, learning effect evaluation, and service satisfaction evaluation, and jointly build a normal working mechanism for using museum resources to carry out education and teaching activities.
8. Strengthening joint teacher training. Local education and cultural relics departments should jointly carry out teacher training, strengthen the exchange and cooperation between museum education personnel and school teachers through teacher study, double-teacher classroom, short-term training, joint teaching and research, etc., so that museum education personnel can understand the school teaching content, and primary and secondary school teachers can understand the composition of museum education resources. It is necessary to incorporate the training content related to museum education into the training of teachers at all levels and increase the intensity of training. Support institutions of higher learning to develop talents training related to cultural relics and museum professional degree education, and meet the needs of museum education talents in a timely manner.
(9) Strengthen the demonstration and guidance of outstanding projects. The Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage will strengthen the overall management and supervision and guidance of the national research and practice education bases for primary and secondary school students in cultural and museum units, and publicize typical experiences and practices. Encourage provincial education departments and cultural relics departments to strengthen interaction, jointly identify a number of provincial museum youth education resource units, and promote a number of museum youth education quality courses. To carry out the promotion activities of "Excellent Cases of Museum Youth Education", encourage primary and secondary schools and museums around the country to jointly carry out "Six one" activities, around a primary and secondary education theme, plan a series of original exhibitions, carry out a series of educational activities, design a series of educational courses, develop a series of cultural and creative products, and establish an excellent museum youth education brand.
Fourth, strengthen the organizational guarantee of museum education
10. Strengthening organizational leadership. Local departments of education and cultural relics should, under the unified leadership of the local Party committee and government, improve the policies and systems of museum youth education, establish and improve the coordination mechanism of work, and put the use of museums to carry out primary and secondary education and teaching activities in an important position. It is necessary to strictly check the contents and forms of all kinds of museum educational activities, adhere to the correct value orientation, and ensure that the activities are educational and public welfare.
11. Strengthening conditional guarantees. Local education and cultural relics departments should strengthen funding, personnel, materials and other aspects of support for the construction of museum youth education resource units, education curriculum research and development design, teaching activities organization and implementation, teacher training, education space and facilities and equipment upgrading. Museums should be encouraged to focus on the characteristics of primary and secondary education, set up venues and classrooms, activity Spaces and practice bases suitable for students' learning, equipped with necessary educational equipment, learning resources and professionals, and fully consider the educational needs of young people when designing and implementing display and exhibition projects, and take into account the educational functions of young people in the digitization of collections and the construction of smart museums.
12. Strengthening safety management. Local primary and secondary schools and museums should strengthen the museum education safety management system, strengthen the organization and management of various activities and safety guarantee, study and formulate safety plans, and clarify management responsibilities and post requirements. It is necessary to carry out safety education for teachers and students before leaving, regularly organize emergency evacuation drills, and improve teachers and students' safety awareness and emergency risk-aversion ability. According to the actual situation of primary and secondary school students, the museum should carry out safety training for educational personnel, strengthen the safety inspection of facilities and equipment in the venue, and ensure the safe and orderly development of activities.
13. Strengthening assessment and evaluation. Local education departments should strengthen the target assessment and effect evaluation of the use of museum resources to carry out primary and secondary education and teaching work. Local cultural relics departments should incorporate it into museum quality evaluation systems such as museum grading evaluation, operation evaluation, and free open performance evaluation. Local departments of education and cultural relics should strengthen cooperation, jointly explore effective ways and innovative models of using museum resources to carry out primary and secondary education and teaching work, strengthen experience summary, publicize and promote excellent cases, and create a good environment and atmosphere.
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