Electronic tour Interaction About Keichousaurus Geopark 中文版
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Questionnaire Questionnaire(*)
Your age (*)
  •   Under 18 years old
  •   18-25 years old
  •   25-45 years old
  •   45-60 years old
  •   Over 60 years old
Your Identity (*)
  •   Guizhou tourists
  •   Foreign tourist
Your education level (*)
  •   Primary and junior high schools
  •   High school/technical secondary school
  •   Bachelor/College
  •   Postgraduate (Master/PhD)
  •   Overseas student
Your gender (*)
  •   male
  •   female
Your monthly household income (*)
  •   Below ¥3000
  •   ¥3000-6000
  •   ¥6000-10000
  •   ¥10000 or more
Purpose of your visit to Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum (select at least 1 item) (*)
  •   Parent-child education
  •   Increase knowledge
  •   Academic research
  •   Tourism and leisure
  •   other
Who are you visiting with (*)
  •   oneself
  •   Family member
  •   friend
  •   Tour party
  •   Government organs and organizations
  •   Social organization
  •   other
Your stay in Keichousaurus Geopark Museum is (*)
  •   Within 1 hour
  •   1-3 hours
  •   3-5 hours
  •   More than 5 hours
Your favorite showroom (choose at least 1) (*)
  •   Film and television Xingyi Hall
  •   Rich Xingyi Hall
  •   Forge ahead Xingyi Hall
  •   The mysterious Xingyi Hall
  •   Negative ground floor exhibition hall
Your preferred way of presentation (*)
  •   Book a guide
  •   Regular exhibition hall presentation
  •   Electronic interpreter
  •   No need to explain
What do you think is the best way for the Xingyi Geological Museum to invite citizens to participate? (Choose at least 1 item) (*)
  •   Website and new media (wechat, Weibo, etc.)
  •   Volunteer recruitment
  •   Museum activities
  •   Popularization of science into the campus and community
Which aspects do you think Keichousaurus Geopark Museum needs to strengthen (select at least 1) (*)
  •   The way and means of display
  •   Interactive activities in the museum
  •   Temporary Exhibition (Special Exhibition)
  •   Distribution of tourist souvenirs
  •   Service consciousness
  •   Environmental hygiene
  •   Collection conservation
  •   Safety guarantee
Are you satisfied with the service attitude of the library staff (*)
  •   Very satisfied
  •   satisfaction
  •   Relatively satisfied
  •   dissatisfy
  •   Very dissatisfied
Through this visit, your overall impression of the Xingyi Geological Museum is (*)
  •   Very satisfied
  •   satisfaction
  •   Relatively satisfied
  •   dissatisfy
  •   Very dissatisfied
Will you visit Keichousaurus Geopark Museum again? (*)
  •   will
  •   Will not
  •   Be ignorant of
What are your comments and suggestions for Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum? (*)
Copyright © 2023 Keichousaurus Geopark Museum     Guizhou ICP for 2023006707     Technical support:Wanfenglin wisdom travel