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Both husband and wife repair fossils - advanced science workers Wang Yunzhong, Wang Meiying

Release time:2023-06-21 23:19:36 Source:Guizhou Science Writers Association
Following the discovery of Guizhou dragon fossils by Mr. Hu Chengzhi in Luyin Village, Dingxiao Town, Xingyi City, Guizhou Province in 1957, the geological research department found a large area of fossils in Nimaigu nearby Wusha Town and the surrounding villages, with a combined area of 81.53 square kilometers.

Xingyi National Geopark Museum
In 2013, in order to carry out systematic and in-depth protection and research on fossils, Xingyi National Geopark Management Office cooperated with Peking University and hired Japanese paleontological fossil restoration expert Tetsuya Sato to repair fossils in Nimai ancient fossil profile. In the face of continuous excavation of fossils, Sato Tetsuya alone repair, far from meeting the needs of the work. In order to train local fossil restorers, the Usha town government organized a group of more than 10 residents of Nimai Gu Village to study with Tetsuya Sato. A month later, most of the villagers thought that the restoration of fossils was boring and boring, and they went home to find another way out, only Wang Yunzhong and Wang Meiying, who returned to work, chose to stay. They set up a makeshift hut on a hill opposite the section of the fossil excavation, cultivated a vegetable field around the hut, and fed their two dogs for company, thus beginning their "fossil years." "A shed with two dogs, a couple with two pairs of hands; He devoted himself to fossils, and he stayed when others left." This rhyme reproduces the scene of their life when they were repairing fossils in the field.

Photo by China Paleontological and Fossil Conservation Foundation

Because they did not go to college, they did not understand English, and when they first came into contact with fossils, Wang Yunzhong, Wang Meiying and Sato Tetsuya could hardly communicate. They borrowed some Chinese books on paleontology from Tetsuya Sato and read them, learning and practicing, accumulating little by little. With diligence and perseverance, they used their own dexterity to bring fossils buried in the ground for millions of years to the light of day. After 5 years of study and practice, they overcame loneliness, learned to turn the mold, make the mold, mastered the fossil restoration skills, and became a veracious fossil guardian, and the ichthyosato fossil, which is 5.2 meters long and the treasure of the town museum in the Xingyi Geological Museum, was repaired by Tetsuya Sato with Wang Yunzhong.

The 5.2-meter ichthyosaur fossil is the treasure of Xingyi Geological Museum

Before Tetsuya Sato came to Xingyi, Wang Yunzhong was learning to repair fossils with a fossil excavation team led by Professor Jiang Dayong of Peking University. "Peking University graduate student Yang Pengfei taught me how to repair fossils, we ate and lived together on the section for 3 months, how to repair large fossil specimens, is to learn from him." At that time, I did not dare to start with the wind pen gun, but he taught me hand by hand, and I still consult him for many questions that I do not understand." Wang Yunzhong has been full of gratitude for the people who brought him in at that time.

Wang Yunzhong at work

After the Xingyi Geological Museum was put into use, they moved to the museum to repair fossils, and the working environment was improved, "the first thing to go home every day is to wash your hair, otherwise your head is full of dust." After each restoration of a fossil, they feel very happy, and when the couple returns the home, they will talk about their little happiness and share their experiences. First of all, you can't rush the fossils. If you rush to success, it is entirely possible to lead to destruction, after billions of years to survive the fossil, a careless needle, may become waste. How to repair in order not to destroy, how to repair the fossil to reproduce vivid, before restoration, we must fully understand the original stone. Secondly, fossil repair needs patience, if the impatient, calm down, no matter how good technology is also rare good works. Throughout the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter, in addition to eating and going to the toilet, they are focused on repair at their posts, eyes to the magnifying glass, hands to operate the repair equipment, even if the two devices are very close to each other, the couple rarely chat. Usually, a fossil can take months to repair, which seems like a simple repetition, but repetition contains a lot of non-simplicity. Although the income is not high, but the couple work without a trace of perfunctory.

Wang Yunzhong Photo from China Paleontological and Fossil Conservation Foundation

"Coelacanth" is Wang Yunzhong's wechat name, which also shows his love for fossils. Over the years, the couple restored a total of hundreds of fossil specimens, including Guizhou dragon, Guizhou ichthyosaurus, Brachyosaurus, Qianichthyosaurus, Yunguisaurus, Anshunsaurus, Xinpusaurus, Douodontosaurus, Luchnodontosaurus, Oulong, Mirasaurus, Xingyi flying fish, Malingfish, Haibofish, Biye fish, Guizhou cod, crinoids and nearly 20 other species. He hopes that one day he will be able to see a coelacanth fossil unearthed in North America.

Wang Yunzhong, Wang Meiying husband and wife are just ordinary workers, but their persistence and perseverance, every piece of fossil they repair is called a fine, their hard work, in exchange for the scientific community's affirmation, exhibited at home and abroad have been highly praised. In Italy, the fossils they restored amazed international friends, the world's rare Xingyi biogroup, coupled with excellence, meticulous restoration technology, through lifelike fossils, reproduce the diversity of paleontology in the Triassic period; During the Peking University Fossil Culture Week and Changsha Fossil Culture Week, experts and scholars showed great interest in the fossils they restored, and some scientific research institutions sent people to Xingyi to understand how they repaired fossils. In October 2017, the CCTV record channel, after many inquiries, learned that there was a farmer couple in Xingyi who had been repairing fossils in the museum all year round, and felt that there was a simple and respectable scientific and artisan spirit in it. The filming team of the documentary "The Seal of Opening Time" came to the Geological Museum of Xingyi to film how they were repairing fossils, which took a full week.

"During the restoration process, sometimes you can feel these ancient lives churning in your mind." Wang Yunzhong said. Fossil repair is a technical work, repair for a long time, will naturally trigger their own thinking about the living environment of paleontology. From Sato Tetsuya, Wang Yunzhong and Wang Meiying learned a lot of things, such as the love of fossils as second life, such as how to judge the bones of each fossil, such as how to restore the initial state of fossil formation. When there were no professional commentators, they would explain the story of Guizhou dragon to visitors to the museum. When they learned that the fossils in the museum were built by them, many people gave them thumbs up and asked them to take photos together.

Xingyi National Geopark Museum

At the end of 2017, the 10th batch of national global geoparks evaluation and recommendation meeting was held in Beijing, Xingyi National Geoparks successfully shortlisted to create a recommendation list, "Shen Shi" took a crucial step, who can say that the report card did not have Wang Yunzhong, Wang Meiying husband and wife to pay blood and sweat it!

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